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International Private law relations - Applicable law, Jurisdiction, Enforcement of foreign judgement, Recognition of foreign documents, Maritime law - arrest of ships and cargo; cargo disputes, charter contracts and bills of lading, collisions and accidents

The team of ‘Gouneva and Angelova’ Law Firm has a rich experience and profound expertise in the field of international private law. We provide legal help and assistance in the settling of issues and disputes, related to international trade, investments, corporate governance of multinational

companies, logistics, insurance, property and all other relations with an international element. In settling cross-border relations, we use both our own expertise and that of partners with many years of experience in countries inside and outside the European Union.  

Our practical experience helps us to be useful to our clients in every aspect of maritime law. We provide consultations and legal assistance, related to merchant shipping, insurance, securities, banking and customs issues, environmental protection, oil spills.  Our experts assist in sales, rentals and mortgages of ships, including disputes over cargo, charters and bills of lading, we provide legal protection to seafarers, ship owners and agents. Our lawyers also have experience in detaining and arresting ships and cargo before the Maritime and River Administration, as well as relevant litigation before the competent courts. ,

We consult our clients in cases of implementation/lack of implementation of transport contracts, in the preparation of contracts for the carriage of goods by sea, contracts for mortgage on ships and their registration in the relevant registers provided by Bulgarian and international law.

Our experts provide effective legal defense, including procedural representation, in cases related to ship accidents and settlement of claims.

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